Company Profile

Company nameMitomo Semicon Engineering Co., Ltd.
Established1976 (Showa 51)
Headquarter's address5842 Sakatemachi, Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture 303-0042
Capital100,000,000 Japanese Yen
Board memberPresident and Representative Director (full-time): Toshio Kuzushima
Director (part-time): Toru Shoji
Director (part-time): Yukihiro Otsu
BankMizuho Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Number of Employees37 members (as of March 2023)
Business contentDesign, manufacture and sale of surface treatment equipment

Company History

1976Established Mitomo Design
1979Renamed to Mitomo Engineering Co., Ltd.
1986Factory relocation to Hirao, Inagi City, Tokyo
1990Started designing and manufacturing lead frame plating equipment
1994Started designing and manufacturing connector plating equipment
2000N.E. CHEMCAT Corporation acquired 75% of the shares
2002Factory relocation to Bando City, Ibaraki Prefecture
N.E. CHEMCAT Corporation acquired 100% of the shares
2005N.E. CHEMCAT Corporation acquired 100% of the shares of Semicon Science Co., Ltd.
2007Merged with Semicon Science Co., Ltd. Renamed to Mitomo Semicon Engineering Co., Ltd.
Expanded equipment manufacturing of semiconductor wafers
2011Due to the sale of the surface treatment chemicals business by N.E. CHEMCAT Corporation
METALOR Technologies Japan Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of METALOR Technologies
International SA, acquired 100% of the shares
2016Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K., a subsidiary of TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd., acquired 100% of the shares of METALOR Technologies International SA
2019Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K., a subsidiary of TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd., acquired 100% of the shares of METALOR Technologies Japan Co., Ltd. from METALOR Technologies International SA
Inheriting the equipment business from Electroplating Engineers Of Japan Ltd. (Current EEJA Ltd.)
2021Notice of relocation of head office factory
Electroplating Engineers Of Japan Ltd. acquired 100% of the shares of Mitomo Semicon Engineering Co., Ltd. from METALOR Technologies Japan Co., Ltd.